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Armenian General Benevolent Union

Rendez vous : 2014

Emplacement: Armenia, Yerevan


Architectes: Storaket Architectural Studio

Since its founding in early 1920, AGBU is a non-profit organization present to support the people of Armenia, helping its population realize their great potential as a viable and prosperous nation.

For its head offices in Yerevan, the aim was to create well-lit open working spaces in the historical building. Vice outfitted the AGBU premises with units for the various sections of the building including the building entrance, offices, conference room, & multifunctional rooms. 

The Lightway 6 Recessed Ambient was selected for its great ability as a general lighting to be customized and adaptable to the particular needs of every space. The Lightway 6 ambient optics has great flexible adaption to different requirements while still complying with the European work space lighting standard.

Related product: Lightway 6 Ambient